Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Congo Militia Fires at Peacekeepers

It's the second time in a week that the international peacekeeping force was under attack by pro-government fighters. "United Nations troops exchanged fire Wednesday with militia fighters who attacked them in the Democratic Republic of Congo", a military spokesman for the U.N. mission there said. No U.N. troops were wounded in the incident, but at least one of the militia fighters was wounded or killed, he added.
The attackers were Mai Mais calling themselves Resistance Congolese Patriots. The groups had been allied with the government against rebels under the command of Laurent Nkunda, but have recently begun attacking government troops as well.
"Before firing at us, they were asking for food and money," Dietrich said. "We did not give them anything, we just drove on, and they attacked us."

The U.N. troops were originally approached by four or five fighters, but came under fire from two or three different directions, suggesting more militia may have been involved, the spokesman said, citing an incident report written by the U.N. forces who were attacked.
Fighting between government forces and Nkunda's rebels has displaced more than 250,000 people - adding to roughly 800,000 already driven from their homes by previous violence, according to U.N. figures.

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