Monday, October 6, 2008

Healthier African Economy

So I thought this was another positive article to post. Despite that the United States' economy is in shambles, "much of Africa is doing rather nicely, in some cases recording healthier economic expansion than in the industrialized world." I was so pleasantly surprised to read this article!

The African economy is actually expected to grow 5% this year. This is due in part to the improvement of many African coutries' governments. "According to this comprehensive analysis, progress is being made across the continent against a range of key governance indicators."

I just thought that this was such a change for the better for Africa, despite a possible global recession. What are your feelings about this: Do you think this will last for Africa? Do you think this really could be the "African Renaissance" the article suggests?,8599,1847585,00.html

1 comment:

Rose said...

I do think that this has the potential to last. The crisis with not just our economy but economies all over the world could pose a problem to some places in Africa, but I think as more people are getting educated and modern medicine is reaching them and helping to improve the quality of their lives, people in Africa are also starting to take charge for their people. I think they are also inspired by the chance for a better life for their children and grandchildren.
I'm not sure that it's an "African Renaissance" just yet, but I do think they have been making great strides towards stronger governments and economic systems, and there seems to be more positive news coming out of Africa these days.